Bringing The Workplace Back: Reconnect Your People

Bringing The Workplace Back Reconnect Your People

Restore The Workplace Culture With Recognition

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound effect on workplace culture around the world. As life gets back to normal, one of the most critical priorities of corporates is to enhance workplace culture and employee engagement in the wake.

Workplace culture can be a delicate balancing act for HR and Organization Development professionals. On the one hand, create an environment where employees feel comfortable and supported. But on the other hand, maintain a professional atmosphere and uphold high standards of performance and conduct.

Some common challenges that organizations may face include:

– Burn out owing to remote working/ connections

– A lack of engagement and affinity to the organization/ brand

– Limited channels for communication

– A lack of trust and transparency

As we emerge from a season of disruptions to workplace culture, it’s important to reinvent ourselves and get people excited to work together again. It’s not just our responsibility to fix this; we must seize the opportunity to change how we lead and influence one another.

Recognition is the ultimate connector.

It’s no secret that recognition is key to employee satisfaction and motivation.

Restore The Workplace Culture With Recognition

Whether you’re bringing employees back into the workplace, embracing remote work or hybrid mode, or doing a bit of all three, here are a few hints that help to reboot your corporate culture and recharge/ engage your employees.

  • Throw a welcome back lunch, hand out branded cards with special messaging
  • Celebrate achievements, big and small
  • Talk about personal occasions
  • Showcase team successes and corporate milestones
  • Appreciate establishing goals and reinforcing values
  • Focus on peer-to-peer recognition

Restore The Workplace Culture With Recognition

All in all, a post-pandemic culture recall as we enter another era of the working module may be the most important thing you do and is the perfect time to embrace new practices.

Apart from the global health crisis during the pandemic, it has also forced the adoption of new working norms.

Smart IMS is happy to be a torchbearer in reinventing itself to unveil version 2.0 of its corporate culture with active participation from each employee. To know more about us:

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