Cybersecurity – The Foundation of Data Protection

Cybersecurity - The Foundation of Data Protection

“Cyberattack hits cosmetics giant Estee Lauder”.

“US energy and health departments targeted by MOVEit hackers”.

Life as a whole has started to turn digital for most individuals and corporates, but such a technological development also comes with risks and exploits. The two quotes mentioned above are just a few examples of such exploits leading to cyber-crime in today’s day and age. So, what does this mean for companies? Should they avoid digitalization as a whole and stick to manual processes of storing data and information?

The solution isn’t by regressing on the technological front but rather looking for windows of opportunity. Every exploit comes with a chance of finding a solution or fix to it. Just like how we appoint security guards to safeguard our tangible assets, the internet also requires security. The experts that provide this security are specialized in a field called cybersecurity.

Though this field may seem like a niche as per the CyberCrime Magazine, global cybersecurity job vacancies and cyber security service providers have grown by 350% over the last two years. The number of unfilled positions and vendor opportunities for this sector in 2022-23 alone has been a whopping 3.5 million job positions and almost equally for remote infrastructure and cloud security management services. From big tech giants to the food industry, with rapid digitalization, it has become a necessity to have a good team of experts specializing in cyber security to safeguard client and consumer data.

Sustainability within competitive markets is only possible if one can make their clients feel that their information will be kept safe and secure while major hacking threats attack companies. So, no matter whether it is a small sized, mid-sized or large-scale multinational company, having reliable cybersecurity to ward of threats is a must.

Digitalization is bound to grow further with probable introductions into metaverse and much more, hence job opportunities in the sector of cybersecurity will continue to increase. If you are looking for a career change or wanting to upskill further as markets seem saturated, do consider the field of cybersecurity.

Here’s a list of all upcoming and current trends in the space of cyber security that are laying the foundations for the future safeguarding data online:

  1. AI and Machine Learning: Artificial intelligence in the field of cyber security has enhanced protection by providing round the clock solutions for threats and data thefts. As AI enables machine learning the protection system continuously grows, learns, and adapts to different cyber security breaches and provides near instant solutions to resolve such issues. This aids in reducing the costs of maintenance and remains fully efficient with a minimal time loss in patching security threats.
  2. Blockchain Security: Blockchain Security can be segregated into two divisions namely: Private Block Chains and Public Blockchain. Private blockchains use identity to confirm membership and access privileges and typically only permit known organizations to join. Together, the organizations form a private, members-only “business network.” Whereas Public blockchain uses internet-connected computers to validate transactions and achieve consensus. The most famous example being Bitcoin. While blockchain overall is considered a open source, it’s inherent traits of segregating data into different boxes allows a user to identify and track any previous changes made or data breach attempts.
  3. Cloud Security: In 2023 most companies have opted for different types of cloud services for data storage, cloud infrastructure etc. While most of the data of organizations is hosted via cloud, the only way this data can be secured is by cloud security or cloud computing security. It is a collection of security measures that ensures user and device authentication, data and resource access control, and data privacy protection. For a better cloud protection companies require to create and use internal tools from their respected cloud services like AWS to prepare better security measures against cyber-crimes.

Take the necessary steps and precautions to safeguard your data today! Follow us for more such content and for any further queries contact us at

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